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Genomic Profiling – Why Knowing is Valuable

The genetics of inheritance fascinate us all. Every small baby is observed to see if they have Nanna's curls or Grandad's nose, but it is not as straightforward as dividing the genetic pie in quarters for each grandparent.

In the world of inheritance, the information that we obtain from our forebears is not equally spread. We can have a little bit more information from one side of that previous generation than we have from the other. This is down to a process called, 'Recombination'. While it is guaranteed that you will receive half your genes from your parents, the amount of genetic information you receive from your maternal and paternal grandparents is down to chance.

This is important in livestock breeding, as we are interested in passing on the beneficial genes and removing those that limit productivity. Having completed genetic testing within the Haldane Genetics flocks for 15 years now, the value of knowing which genes have made it to the next generation is incredibly valuable. We can DNA profile young rams and ewes to ensure they carry genes we want to pass on to the next generation.

In the case of genomics, information is knowledge and knowledge is power, especially when it comes to making decisions on which animals have the genes to increase returns and decrease costs in the next generation.


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